Isabel de Felipe
Polytechnic University of Madrid and Director at PRONATUR
Has been Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the itdUPM. Shealso belongs to the Board of Directors of PRONATUR.
As active member of WGIN and EFB has participated in the international congress since 2009 and edited several books in English and Spanish as “Naturación Urbana” (1999), “Green cities in the World” (2014, 2015), “Agricultura Urbana Integral”(2015), “Vertical Urban Agriculture” (2018) and “Multifunctional Green Urban Infrastructures”(2019).
She has directed a great number of cooperation projects in America, Asia and Africa, and as a researcher she has participated in national and international projects about green urban infrastructures and has been involved in regular courses on urban agriculture and more recently (2018) in a Masive Online Open Course (MOOC) about “Green Cities”. Also she has been director of PhD and Ms Thesis about the urban agriculture topic.