Manfred Köhler
President World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN)
Professor Köhler will give an ordered lecture under the title “Green roofs and Green walls as basic elements of Green buildings”.
Founder of the Green Roof Research Center at the Univ. of Applied Sciences in Neubrandenburg. Main interest in Green infrastructure research, related to Green roofs, living walls and indoor greening.
Member of:
- Federal Landscape architecture organisation (BDLA),
- Member of several FLL- guideline working groups ( ),
- Speaker of the German FBB (National Greening building Association) for international relation, now BUGG, see:,
- European Green Roof Association EFB ,
- Co-founder of World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) in 2008; since 2008 President of this organization ( ).
Since 2014: DETAO Master, (Shanghai, China).
About 180 scientific publications. Most with focus on green roofs, living walls or indoor greening.